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LanternD's Castle

An electronics enthusiast - survive technically

Introducing DG577YI - A Geolocation Recorder - Chapter PCB


A geolocation recorder aiming at enhanced lifespan.

Introducing DG002YI - An Upgrade from DG002JX


I upgraded my power management module with a smaller form-factor.

Introducing DG002JX - A Power Management Module


I built a tiny power module for other small form-factor future circuit design.

Set GitHub SSH Key For Password-free Push


I need to do this on every new machine. So I keep a note for my quick reference.

Install Vim on Raspberry Pi with Python3 Support


Install the latest version of vim on Raspberry Pi (4B in my case).

Embed Texts in Other Files in reStructuredText


Include the texts in other files to generate a new files.

DEBUG > Fixing "NVIDIA-SMI has failed because it couldn't communicate with the NVIDIA driver"


I encountered this error accidentally, and spent almost a night to find a solution (actually very simple).

Fixing WhatPulse SSL Error in Ver 2.8.4 on macOS


My WhatPulse failed to pulse the key stats to the server. Just got it fixed.

DEBUG > AUCTeX Failed to Respect the Tex-master Change


What to do if the `pdflatex` command failed to run because of change of the Tex-master variable.

Mindmap > The NoSQL Ecosystem


My mindmap-based summary of a NoSQL introduction article.

Mindmap > Distributed System Basics Summary


My own mindmap-based summary of another blog post introducing distributed system.

Configuring A New Raspberry Pi


A short note about what I've done to set the Pi up.

Change Default Gmail mailto Handler Account


A method to select the account for processing the mailto links if there are multiple accounts in the browser.

FIXED > uBlox SARA-R410M-02B Could not Find the SIM Card


I had a problem that the module failed to find the SIM card. This seems to be a common problem for this chip.

DEBUG > Spacemacs Failed to Initialize After Switching to develop Branch on a Config File Synchronized Machine


I know the title is long. But I don't know how to describe my problem clearly. So just read the post. I'm sure generally you find this post by Google, so the title won't bother you.