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Spacemacs Rocks Note Day 2


A series of notes that I learn Emacs hacking. Change variable globally, disabling auto-save and auto-backup; `require` keyword, enabling recent files opening, enabling delete selection mode; code block and example block fast typing; initializing Emacs with full screen; showing matching parenthesis, highlighting current line; package management system configuration; adding a new theme, hundgry delete mode, swiper, smartparens; customize-group; ordered list in org-mode; JavaScript IDE in Emacs; setting schedule in org-mode.

Spacemacs Rocks Note Day 1


A series of notes that I learn Emacs hacking. Basic key mapping and functions; Emacs start up settings; introduction to "modes", company-mode; basic of package management; introduction to org-mode.

STT 861 Theory of Prob and STT I Lecture Note - 7


Survival function and its example; transformation of random variables, scale and rate parameters and their examples; Joint probability density and its example; independent continuous random variables.

Find the Expectation of a Symmetric Probabiliry Density Function


If the PDF is symmetric about c, show that E(X)=c. This is a homework problem for course STT802-002 Theory of Probabilities and Statistics I in MSU.

STT 861 Theory of Prob and STT I Lecture Note - 6


Hypergeometric distribution; Poisson Law; Brownian motion; continous random variables, exponential distribution, cumulative distribution function, uniform distribution; expectation and variance of continuous random variable.

STT 861 Theory of Prob and STT I Lecture Note - 5


Sample mean and sample variance, biased and unbiased estimation; covariance, Hypergeometric distribution and its example; correlation coefficients; discrete distribution, Poisson distribution, Poisson approximation for the Binomial distribution.

STT 861 Theory of Prob and STT I Lecture Note - 4


Expectation and its theorems, Geometry distribution, Negative Binomial distribution and their examples; Theorem of linerarity, PMF of a pair of random variables, Markov's inequality; variance and its examples, uniform distribution.

STT 861 Theory of Prob and STT I Lecture Note - 3


Random variable, independent random variable and their examples; Bernoulli distribution, Binomial distribution.

STT 861 Theory of Prob and STT I Lecture Note - 2


Some of the basic probability and statistics concepts. joint probabilities, combinatories; conditional probabilities and independence and their examples; Bayes' rule.

STT 861 Theory of Prob and STT I Lecture Note - Overview


This is the lecture note that I took on the lecture. This post serve as the overview of this series.

RFIC - Microstrip Transmission Line Design


Microstrip transmission line is one of the basic type of transmission line in RF integrated circuit. Here is a basic/simple design example of it. This is a homework for course ECE810 RF Integrated Circuits in MSU.

Adaptive Control - Least-Squares Algorithm in Parameters Estimation


Parameter estimation is one of the keystones in Adaptive control; the main idea of parameter estimation is to construct a parametric model and then use optimization methods to minimize the error between the true parameter and the estimation. Least-square algorithm is one of the common optimization methods.

Try MathJax Here


MathJax is a commonly-used web-based math formula and expression render tool. Here is the test of it.

Yet Another New Start


Blog migration again.