Packages to Install for a Fresh Python
Some of the common packages to install through pip. For my reference only. Might be helpful to you.
Some of them are (probably) no longer used, but I still keep them just in case.
First, run
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install Django keras Pillow PyInstaller PyQt5 beautifulsoup4 bitstring h5py ipython jupyter matplotlib numpy pandas peakutils pyserial requests scikit-learn scipy seaborn setuptools six tensorflow tensorflow-gpu
These are all the packages I have installed during the past years. Some of them are just used once; some are just dependencies; some of them are unknown to me. Put them here just for reference.
- Django
- Fabric
- Fabric3
- Jinja2
- Keras
- MarkupSafe
- Mezzanine
- Pillow
- PyInstaller
- PyNaCl
- PyQRCode
- PyQt5
- Pygments
- Send2Trash
- Theano
- Werkzeug
- altgraph
- appdirs
- asn1crypto
- backcall
- bcrypt
- beautifulsoup4
- bitstring
- bleach
- boto
- bz2file
- cffi
- chardet
- colorama
- cryptography
- cycler
- decorator
- entrypoints
- future
- gensim
- graphviz
- h5py
- html5lib
- idna
- ipykernel
- ipython
- ipywidgets
- iso8601
- itchat
- jedi
- jsonschema
- jupyter
- macholib
- matplotlib
- mistune
- nbconvert
- nbformat
- notebook
- numpy
- oauthlib
- olefile
- packaging
- pandas
- pandocfilters
- paramiko
- parso
- peakutils
- pefile
- pickleshare
- pip
- protobuf
- pyasn1
- pycparser
- pydot
- pyparsing
- pypiwin32
- pypng
- pyserial
- pytz
- pywin32
- pywinpty
- pyzmq
- qtconsole
- requests
- scikit-learn
- scipy
- seaborn
- serial
- setuptools
- simplegeneric
- sip
- six
- smart
- tensorflow
- tensorflow-gpu
- terminado
- testpath
- tornado
- traitlets
- tzlocal
- wcwidth
- webencodings
- wheel
- widgetsnbextension
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